Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I've gone soft...

...and chewy too. I'm talking for my cold cereal, of course. What else?

This seems to happen to me often. I'll buy a box of my favorite cold cereal; bring it home and go to town on it over the next few days (actually, more often than not I buy my favorite "sweet" cereal and eat it as a very trashy, albeit nostalgic and satisfying dessert!); and then promptly get tired of it with 1/3 still left in the box.
On a night I've got nothing better, sugary cereal fills in as my
dessert - and brings back great nostalgia too!

Then my beloved cereal sits in my cupboard for the next month or *gasp* even longer. And when I discover I am again craving some Lucky Charms or Cap'n Crunch and Crunch Berries on a night I have no homemade ice cream or cookies or leftover pie or cake...it's STALE. Stale, chewy, soft and disappointing.

BUT - I learned this trick from my mom when we were growing up eating Kix, Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Chex and Crispix (with a box o' Lucky Charms as a REAL treat!):

  • Pour your leftover, stale cereal in a jelly roll sheet pan (with raised sides).
  • Put it in a 250° oven for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Every few minutes, take a couple pieces of cereal out, let them cool and try them to see if they're crisp yet.
  • Keep doing this until the cereal is no longer stale.
It won't take long - really as soon as the cereal is heated through it should be good. Et voilà! Your cereal is as good as new!
It even worked on those "marshmallows"!


  1. are you kidding? that's awesome! i never buy cereal because i'll eat a few bowls and then let the rest go bad. crunch berries here i come!

    But that is what we all love about you. :)

  3. I'm so excited to hear about this! Can't wait to try it!!
